We are seeing an increase in inquiries from members who are concerned about the recent travel bans and safety concerns. 

We urge members to log into the travel portion of the website and review the cancellation policy, as it relates to their booking. If there is an opportunity to cancel directly on the website we would recommend doing so. 

If a member is outside of the posted cancellation window and their travel is imminent, please submit the cancellation request and we will work with the supplier to see if a cancellation/refund is possible. 

Cancellations that would normally not qualify for a refund are being reviewed on a case-by-case basis and our provider is working with individual airlines, hotels and accommodations to support travelers during this time. 

If a member is currently at destination and requires emergency assistance from the travel provider they are encouraged to contact: (858) 999-8206 (MX Toll Free 800-681-5365, AU Toll Free 1-800-146-417, UK Toll Free 0-800-069-8735, JPN Toll Free 0800-222-1195)